
Our mission at Dive is simple!



All of this we want to do in love, while standing firm on Biblical principles. God is so good and He is calling all to Him. 


God created humanity in His image to reflect His glory. This reality is most beautifully displayed in a life of God-centered worship. Our world is full of distraction, yet Jesus tells us that fullness of life can be found in Him, John 10:10. 

The human soul cannot help but worship. Our aim at Dive is to help you re-focus on Him and worship as we are called to. God’s people can celebrate Him through every creative expression possible.

Our interactions with others calls attention to God’s love.

Our gifts, strengths, and personalities highlight God’s goodness.

Our resources are used to proclaim God’s worth.

Our cooperation reflects God’s beauty.

Music as Worship

The Bible often tells of people using songs to worship God. At Dive, we worship together in our services as a way to celebrate Jesus. We have two worship services weekly 8:30am & 10:30am Sunday's, each with different styles.

While God and the Bible are the ultimate authority for Dive Christian Church, there is a leadership structure to keep the day-to-day operations and ministry of the church moving correctly.

The leadership of Dive is broken into a few different parts. Dive is first and foremost an elder-led church. The elders provide oversight, vision, and guidance to the corporate side of the church and most importantly the spiritual side of the church.

Our deacons are appointed to take care of matters in the church whether it be administrative or organizational tasks, ushering, building maintenance, and/or volunteering in other church roles. It depends on the need and the gifts of the available men.

Our staff, which consists of our Senior pastor - Joe McAdams, Youth pastor - Matt Courtney, and Children's Ministry Director - Jean Sowders.  These individuals provide the leadership and everyday decision making. Our staff and church board work together as we serve our congregation and our community daily.


Choosing to become a member at Dive means this church is your spiritual home and community. Members of God's church are more than just attenders. The Bible describes the church as a body of Christ, and membership is a commitment by individuals to serve that body together to further the mission of Jesus in our city.

Members are people who place their hope for salvation in Jesus and choose to live connected and committed to their local church to further the gospel in our city and in the nations. They are people who give of their time, money, resources, gifts, skills, and talents. They take ownership of life as a part of God's church as both servants and leaders to help Dive be a healthy, missional body of believers.


If you have any questions about membership, please call us at 812.275.3963

The First Step

  • Do you believe that Jesus is your Lord and Savior? At Dive, we believe this is the most important question you will answer in your lifetime.

Why should you join?

  • Membership is a demonstration of your commitment to Jesus and His church and its ministries.
  • Becoming a member empowers and allows you to serve in more ways.
  • Membership is an important first step to greater involvement in the powerful work God is doing here.

How do I join?

  • Come forward and talk with us.—An opportunity is given at the close of each weekend service for anyone to walk forward, or just talk with an elder, deacon or staff. There is a place for you here and we are looking forward to serving alongside of you.

Requirements for Membership

  1. Believe in Christ as your Lord and Savior. Ephesians 2:8-9
  2. Confess your faith. Romans 10:9
  3. Repent of your sins. Acts 3:19
  4. Be baptized by immersion. Acts 2:38