Ministries at Dive: An Overview

If you're looking for a basic overview of what ministries are taking place here at Dive, you're in the right place! Click the buttons below each section to find out more about each ministry, or head to the side bar and click whatever ministry looks interesting to you. We can't wait to get to know you better as you learn more about what we're up to here and start getting more involved here at Dive!

Hoops for Christ

Hoops 4 Christ is more than basketballit's a ministry with over 20 years of building faith, character, and community. Through practices and games, kids learn teamwork, discipline, and Christ-like values. Practices begin in January, with games starting February 1, offering a supportive, Christ-centered environment for players of all skill levels.

Want to find out more about Hoops, how to sign up your child to play, or how to volunteer? Click the button below to find out more!

More About Hoops

Adult Ministries

At Dive, we want to make sure all our members and attendees are connected, have the space to grow in their relationships with Christ and one another, and have the opportunity to love each other as Christ first loved us. We have unique spaces for adult small groups, women's events, church sports events, mission trips, other community events, and even a bridge club for college students and young adults! 

If you're interested in finding out more about how you can get involved with one of the many adult ministries here at Dive, you can click the button below and learn more!

More About Adult Ministries

Mpact student Ministry

Dive has a flourishing student ministry, with regular weekly meetings, fun events, and more to help students grow in their relationship with Christ. Run by Matt Courtney, MPACT Youth Ministry seeks to help youth share Jesus Christ, grow in their understanding of scripture, develop a positive self-image, overcome hardships, develop respect for others, serve those in need, develop a personal relationship with Christ, apply their faith to daily life, and participate in the Church.

Click the button below to learn more about MPACT, see what upcoming events there are, and get involved!

More about MPACT

Divekids! ministry

 Our mission at Dive is to show the love of Christ through serving and building relationships with the kids in our community. We do this with an incredible team of background checked volunteers who work together to support all who walk through our doors! Run by Jean Sowders, the kids' ministry at Dive has regular weekly meetings, special events, and lots of opportunity for family fun.

To learn more about DiveKIDS and how you can be involved, click the button below.

More about DiveKids!

Missions of dive

Dive desires to be well involved with missions both globally and locally. If you're interested in learning more about the missions we're involved in, how we engage with those missions, and how you can be more directly involved, you can click the button below to find out more!

More about Dive Missions

Summer Camps for Dive CC

Interested in sending your kids to a summer camp, but aren't sure what one? Dive is involved with multiple summer camps that have good reputations, uplifting environments, and a whole lot of opportunities for fun. Click the button below to learn more about them!

Summer Camps for Dive CC