Adult Ministries

Here at Dive there are many ways as an adult to get involved. Activities like our women's mentor groups that meet at least once per month, there are Sunday school classes, Wednesday night Bible studies, senior outings and more. It's important to us that we connect families with each other and with the Lord.  

More info:

  • Ladies Aid- Ladies group in the church who meet monthly, plans funeral dinners, baby shower and etc
  • Wednesday Night Bible Study starts at 6:30pm, With an adult class inside door 1, lead by Pastor Joe
  • Senior outing- Lead by Brenda Corey. The seniors take trips monthly to every other month.
  • Children's Christmas- We yearly provide Christmas for 80 to 150 Lawrence  County kids under the age of 18. Debbie Maze is the leader of the ministry. 
  • Hoops for Christ- Hoops is a yearly basketball league that begins in Jan and ends the week before spring break. Hoops is lead up by lots of families in the church. This year the point of contact in Tammy, our secretary, and Adam Parsley.
  • Ministry Teams- Monthly we meet to discuss the various ministries of the church. This gives everyone an opportunity to lead and be heard.  
  • Sunday night college group. College kids from right here in Bedford meet to share the love of Christ together, there is fellowship, discipleship and food! What college kid doesn't like free food. Cody Thatcher is the point of contact for this.
  • Real Life Discipleship Class- Yearly we work through RLD classes . It's a 12 week program that will teach you what a disciple- maker is and looks like. It's a wonderful class that will deepen your relationship with the Lord and strengthen your fellowship with fellow believers and broaden your out-reach. 
  • Monthly there is a busy moms Bible study that is lead by Jodi McAdams. It is held on the 2nd Sat of the month at Apron Strings Diner in Bedford.  Starts at 9am! All are welcome to join.

Coming Soon- 

Men's group outings

Women's group outings

And more


Teen Ministry (MPACT)

Welcome to our website! MPACT serves the Lawerance County teens between the grades of 6th and 12th. To learn more about our ministries please visit our teen ministry page here, on the website, or our Facebook page.

Children's Ministry (KidMIN)

Here at Dive Christian Church, we have something for children (and adults) of all ages! 

Sunday Mornings:

Sunday School begins at 9:30 AM.  We have classes for Nursery all the way through adults.  

For our 10:30 AM service we have nursery, PreK, & Jr Church for children through 6th grade. 

Our Weds Evening services begin at 5:30 PM with a fellowship meal.

6:30 PM begins our evening sessions.  We are launching a new program called Kids4Truth on Weds evening!  

We also have various events that happen throughout the year:

 - "Touch A Truck"

 - Trunk or Treat

 - Easter Resurrection Party/Egg Hunt

 - Back to School Bash

 - Special Christmas Programs

 - Gingerbread Day (it's a SWEET experience)

 - "His Cherubs" Wee Choir

 - Vacation Bible School

 - Summer Church Camps and other periodic activities

 - Hoops for Christ

 ... and much more!